Brown v. Board 70th Anniversary Logo


Discover the rich history and transformative impact of the Brown v. Board decision on our dedicated site,, celebrating its 70th anniversary with in-depth content and community events.

Welcome to, the official website dedicated to commemorating the 70th anniversary of the historic Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. This landmark case, which fundamentally transformed the landscape of American education and civil rights, is celebrated here through a comprehensive exploration of its context, impact, and ongoing legacy. Visitors to our site can expect a detailed look at the pivotal moments that defined the Brown decision, alongside related legal battles that collectively helped end racial segregation in public schools.

Our website serves as a resourceful gateway for educators, students, historians, and anyone interested in the civil rights movement. Through a variety of sections, including detailed pages on “The Five Cases” that led to the Supreme Court’s decision, a richly populated blog, and a dynamic calendar of events, we provide a platform to learn, reflect, and engage with the history and its implications today. Each section offers unique content ranging from historical analyses, personal stories, to educational resources designed to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of this crucial period in American history.

Beyond historical content, also invites users to participate in events and community discussions that celebrate diversity and advocate for justice and equality. Through interactive features and upcoming events, we aim to inspire ongoing dialogue and action that uphold the principles of fairness and equality that Brown v. Board of Education represents. Join us in exploring these narratives and contributing to the continued fight for civil rights and educational equity.

Research and Advocacy Resources on Brown v. Board of Education

The landmark Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education, marked a pivotal moment in the fight for civil rights in the United States, declaring state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional. As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of this historic decision, it is essential to recognize the ongoing work of organizations and access resources that continue to promote equality and educational equity. Below is a list of invaluable online resources, national organizations, and local resources in the cities involved in the Brown case, dedicated to preserving its legacy and advocating for civil rights today.

Online Resources for Research
  1. National Archives - Brown v. Board of Education
    • Provides a comprehensive collection of primary sources and teaching activities related to the case.
  2. Library of Congress - Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
    • Offers extensive bibliographies and resources for studying the case and its implications.
  3. The History Channel - Brown v. Board of Education
    • Features articles, videos, and other media exploring the case’s history and impact.
  4. Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
    • Contains artifacts, exhibits, and educational materials related to Brown v. Board.
  5. American Bar Association - Brown v. Board of Education
    • Includes legal analyses, historical context, and educational resources.

National Organizations Advancing Equality and Educational Equity
  1. NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
    • A civil rights organization that played a crucial role in the Brown case and continues to fight for social justice and civil rights.
  2. The Brown Foundation for Educational Equity, Excellence and Research
    • Dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Brown decision, the foundation provides educational programs and scholarships.
  3. Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
    • Works to end mass incarceration and racial inequality, providing legal representation to marginalized communities.
  4. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
    • Advocates for civil rights through litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy.
  5. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
    • Defends individual rights and liberties, including educational equality, through litigation and lobbying.

Local Resources in Plaintiff Cities

Topeka, Kansas
  1. Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site
    • Offers exhibits, educational programs, and tours of the historic Monroe Elementary School.
  2. Kansas Historical Society
    • Provides archives, exhibits, and educational resources related to Kansas history and the Brown case.

Summerton, South Carolina
  1. Clarendon County Archives and History Center
    • Holds historical records and exhibits related to the Briggs v. Elliott case, one of the cases consolidated into Brown v. Board.
  2. South Carolina State Museum
    • Features exhibits on South Carolina history, including the civil rights movement.

Wilmington, Delaware
  1. Delaware Historical Society
    • Offers archives, educational programs, and exhibits on Delaware’s history, including the Belton (Bulah) v. Gebhart case.
  2. African American Heritage Center at the Delaware Historical Society
    • Focuses on the African American experience in Delaware, including the state’s role in the Brown case.

Farmville, Virginia
  1. Robert Russa Moton Museum
    • Dedicated to preserving and interpreting the history of civil rights in education, particularly the Prince Edward County case.
  2. Virginia Historical Society
    • Provides resources and exhibits on Virginia’s history, including the civil rights movement.

Washington, D.C.
  1. Smithsonian National Museum of American History
    • Features exhibits on American history, including the civil rights movement and the Bolling v. Sharpe case.
  2. D.C. Public Library - Special Collections
    • Houses collections and resources related to the history of Washington, D.C., including civil rights and education.
  3. Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
    • Offers extensive exhibits and educational materials on African American history, including the Brown v. Board case.